Working Papers
- The Value of De Minimis Imports, r/r Quarterly Journal of Economics ❲summary❳
- Using Satellite Imagery to Detect the Impacts of New Highways: An Application to India, r/r Journal of International Economics, NBER 32047
- K. Baragwanath, G. Hanson, C. Liu, H. Park
- K. Baragwanath, G. Hanson, C. Liu, H. Park
- Language Barriers in Multinationals and Knowledge Transfers, Review of Economics and Statistics ❲bib, slides, vox, voxdev❳
- 2024, The US-China Trade War and Global Reallocations, American Economic Review: Insights ❲bib, replication, tariffs-2018-2019, slides, weights, vox❳
2023, The US-China Trade War and India’s Export Response, India Policy Forum ❲slides❳
- 2022, Using Neural Networks to Predict Micro-Spatial Economic Growth, American Economic Review: Insights ❲appendix, git,replication, bib❳
- A. Khachiyan, A. Thomas, H. Zhou, G. Hanson, A. Cloninger, T. Rosing
- A. Khachiyan, A. Thomas, H. Zhou, G. Hanson, A. Cloninger, T. Rosing
- 2022, The Economic Impacts of the US-China Trade War, Annual Review of Economics
- 2021, Optimal Lockdown in a Commuting Network, American Economic Review: Insights ❲appendix, slides, replication, bib, vox❳
- P. Fajgelbaum, W. Kim, C. Mantovani, E. Schaal
- P. Fajgelbaum, W. Kim, C. Mantovani, E. Schaal
- 2021, Detecting Urban Markets with Satellite Imagery: An Application to India, Journal of Urban Economics ❲appendix, data, rep, slides, bib, vox❳
- K. Baragwanath, R. Goldblatt, G. Hanson
- K. Baragwanath, R. Goldblatt, G. Hanson
- 2020, The Return to Protectionism, Quarterly Journal of Economics [Editor’s Choice] ❲+2019 waves, appendix, slides, tariffs-2018, replication, bib, vox❳
- 2020, How Distortions Alter the Impacts of International Trade in Developing Countries, Annual Review of Economics ❲slides, bib, conf, voxdev podcast❳
- 2019, Measuring Productivity: Lessons from Tailored Surveys and Productivity Benchmarking, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings ❲appendix, replication, slides, bib❳
- 2018, Using Landsat and Nighttime Lights for Supervised Pixel-Based Image Classification of Urban Land Cover, Remote Sensing of Environment ❲bib❳
- R. Goldblatt, M. Stuhlmacher, B. Tellman, N. Clinton, G. Hanson, M. Georgescu, C. Wang, F. Serrano-Candela, W. Cheng, R. Balling
- R. Goldblatt, M. Stuhlmacher, B. Tellman, N. Clinton, G. Hanson, M. Georgescu, C. Wang, F. Serrano-Candela, W. Cheng, R. Balling
- 2017, Organizational Barriers to Technology Adoption: Evidence from Soccer-ball Producers in Pakistan, Quarterly Journal of Economics ❲appendix, bib, vox❳
- D. Atkin, A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, E. Verhoogen
- Atlantic, WSJ
- 2017, Exporting and Firm Performance: Evidence from a Randomized Trial, Quarterly Journal of Economics [Editor’s Choice] ❲appendix, slides, replication, bib, vox❳
- D. Atkin, A. Osman
- CEA, Bloomberg, Trade Talks Podcast
- 2016, Detecting the Boundaries of Urban Areas in India: A Dataset for Pixel-Based Image Classification in Google Earth Engine, Remote Sensing ❲data, bib❳
- 2016, On the Orgins and Development of the Pakistan’s Soccer-Ball Cluster, World Bank Economic Review (ABCDE Conference Papers & Proceedings) ❲bib❳
- D. Atkin, A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, T. Raza, E. Verhoogen
- D. Atkin, A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, T. Raza, E. Verhoogen
- 2016, Measuring the Unequal Gains from Trade, Quarterly Journal of Economics ❲slides, bib, vox❳
- 2016, Prices, Markups and Trade Reform, Econometrica ❲appendix, slides, bib, mi❳
- 2015, Mark-up and Cost Dispersion Across Firms: Direct Evidence from Producer Surveys in Pakistan, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings ❲appendix, bib❳
- D. Atkin, A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, E. Verhoogen
- D. Atkin, A. Chaudhry, S. Chaudry, E. Verhoogen
- 2013, Trade Liberalization and Embedded Institutional Reform: Evidence from Chinese Exporters, American Economic Review ❲appendix, data, slides, bib, vox❳
- 2013, Import Competition and Quality Upgrading, Review of Economics & Statistics ❲bib, vox❳
- 2011, Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: The Case of India, Review of Economics & Statistics ❲appendix, bib❳
- 2011, The Role of Intermediaries in Facilitating Trade, Journal of International Economics ❲appendix, data, bib❳
- 2010, Imported Intermediate Inputs and Domestic Product Growth: Evidence from India, Quarterly Journal of Economics ❲bib, vox❳
2010, The Long and Short (of) Quality Ladders, Review of Economic Studies ❲data, bib❳
- 2010, Multi-product Firms and Product Turnover in the Developing World: Evidence from India, Review of Economics & Statistics ❲appendix, bib❳
- 2009, Trade Liberalization and New Imported Inputs, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings ❲bib❳
Chapters & Policy Notes
- 2025, International Trade, VoxDev
- 2016, Special Economic Zones for Myanmar, International Growth Centre
2015, Comment on “Grasp the Large, Let Go of the Small” by Hseih and Song, Brookings Papers in Economic Activity.
- 2013, Variety In, Variety Out: Imported Inputs and Product Scope Expansion in India, Reforms and Economic Transformation in India.
- 2009, China’s Experience under the Multifiber Arrangement and the Agreement on Textile and Clothing, China’s Growing Role in World Trade. ❲data, bib❳
- 2018, Innovation in Pakistan’s Soccer Ball Industry: Barriers to Adoption, Columbia CaseWorks 180311
- R.A. Farrokhnia, E. Verhoogen
- R.A. Farrokhnia, E. Verhoogen
- 2017, Pace Ethiopia: Gaining a Foothold in the Global Footwear Industry, Columbia CaseWorks 180301
- 2019, Trade Liberalizations: Evidence from India, Columbia CaseWorks 090315